Respect for a Man vs. Love for a Woman
Respect for a Man vs. Love for a Woman
Some might say that this is like comparing apples to oranges and in a way it is; however it is also very similar in some ways. Making many mistakes in past relationships or even mistakes in my marriage has shown me what the lack of respect can do to a man, in addition to the lack of love that isn't given to a woman. I've learned that men need to be needed because if a woman has no need for her husband or significant other, in his mind...what is he there for? Think about that! It makes perfect sense to me. Yes, we want the companionship but men are the head of the household, the bread winners, the protectors and the providers. If a wife takes that away from him, what does he have left? Men are wired completely different from women and men have pride and almost need to roar a little (for a lack of a better term). Women should encourage their husbands or significant others, not insult them or tell them what they can't do. By building up your mate, it encourages him to want to do above and beyond for you in order to make you happy and please you. In the right relationship a good woman can encourage her man so much that he will begin to do things that he didn't even know that he could do.
Now lets switch gears a little and venture into the woman's side!
Women need love, we want to be loved and we also want to give love because we are nurturers by right, emotional beings. When a man finds a wife, he finds a good thing (Proverbs 18:22). Now, lets put that into perspective. Without going to deep, this woman needs to be the right woman and men must understand that she is fed by love and will have no problem encouraging her mate as long as he is loving her. I'm not stating that this woman needs to be needy, I'm saying that her husband should sincerely love her. As women, when many of us are love starved, in the wrong relationship and have not put God first in all areas of our lives, this can be a dangerous mix for a man and woman. Each must give what the other needs. I'm not speaking on things that only God should be supplying, but the needs that God actually requires that we give to our mates and those things are different. However, if they are put together correctly it will become harmonious; hence two spirits becoming one! The amazing thing about it all is that when both the man and woman does their part properly, it can result in synergy (the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects).
I would love to hear your thoughts on this?
Hello, The role that men and women play in life is a very important one. It is awesome the way the God gives us the physical and emotional needs for the man and the woman so there is no misconception about it. In today's society the needs of the man and woman are being neglected and families are suffering. Men are suppose to not only love their wives and love them as Christ loved the church. That is a daunting task, because men tend to shut of their feelings and not deal with them on a deep level. However, the Holy Spirit needs to be present in the man to teach him the "agape" type of love. With direction and influence from God, we will seriously miss the mark. If men can grasp this concept, the woman will ultimately give the man what he needs which is respect. Every woman wants a man to be madly in love with her and treat her as such with no problem. Every man wants to be respected by their wives and family for their role as being the head of the household. Women hear the would "submission" and automatically go to " I'm not bowing down to nobody!" and the man feeling slighted will not give her the love she needs and the cycle of no love/no respect begins. Submission is does not mean you are treated a lesser of the two or you are his slave. God placed the man as the head of the family. He is the high priest of the household. He is the protector and provider for the house. Respect will come from the woman if the man is doing what he is suppose to be doing. Respect is knowing that man needs and wants and meeting them. It is including him the family decision making process. It is allowing him the be the man and feel as though he is needed and appreciated. It is easier for woman if they are receiving the love from the man. The world has it backwards and walking on a hamster wheel when it comes to the love/respect combination. We have to get off the cycle for our kids sake and marriage sake. read the Word of God and it will tell you how to love your wife and how to respect the husband. God Bless and great post.
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