Friday, October 16, 2015

Dealing with the "OTHER" woman!

     PART I

      Adultery is a messy, hurtful and almost blinding situation.  As women we are born with intuition; however many of us refuse to acknowledge it.  Have you ever suspected that your loved one was seeing another woman but couldn't quite put your finger on it?  Then it happens, you find out that he is in a relationship with another woman.  I have been in this situation before and trust me, I was blinded with anger to put it mildly.  My first response was to deal with her, not saying that he was innocent but he was my second thought while she was my first.  In hindsight that was not the best method.  First I needed to deal with home first, then deal with the woman.  

      I must say that wisdom must be used because you may or may not know who or what you're dealing with.  I do not recommend begging this woman to leave your husband or significant other alone because if it were that easy, she wouldn't be in the picture now.  I speak this especially to married women, don't (physically) beat this woman and you shouldn't have compete with another woman for YOUR husband!   In short, maintain your self respect and don't lower yourself to her level because to be quite honest, sometimes she just doesn't care anything about your family or the pain that she is causing.  Adultery is an underlying selfish act and the only people who care are the one's involved.  If you can, don't give either one of them any of your tears, pain or anguish.  If you have to blow off steam, use wisdom!  Cry in the privacy of your own space, try not to enter into any yelling matches but if you must have a conversation, have it on your terms.   The reason why I say not to enter into any conversations is because by this time your "loved" one has already made a choice and you don't want to push them closer together.  Give yourself some time to grieve, get a clear mind because this will keep you from making rash decisions that you can not undo.  

Do you have any suggestions for someone going through a situation like this?  I would love to hear your take on this topic! 


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